
Sunday, October 5, 2014


Now listen up, you lot: I've got a great blog post all written up, so you better drop everything and read it, basking in my awesomeness because I am the best blog writer ever!

Thankfully, I don't normally talk (or write) like that. That was an example of arrogance, which is what I'd like to discuss today. It's a character trait that seems to be quite prevalent in many TV/movie protagonists. Just to be clear, let's define that term. Arrogance is "offensive display of superiority or self-importance; overbearing pride". 

So who's arrogant? Well, I've got a few characters in mind. Let's look at each of them in turn. 

Arthur Pendragon- Merlin
As Merlin loves to point out, Arthur is a selfish, arrogant prat. It's not that he tries to be, it's just that because he's a prince, Arthur is used to being above everyone else (except for Uther, whose example of arrogance and rudeness he follows). Arthur is incapable of showing politeness or respect. Enter Merlin. When not busy saving his life, Merlin helps Arthur become a better person. 

Sherlock Holmes- Sherlock
Sherlock is insufferably arrogant, and it's easy to see why. Because he's such a genius, he assumes that other people are all idiots (which, comparatively, they are). He has no social skills, and his constant rudeness is enough to drive anyone mad. If it weren't for the fact that Sherlock's intelligence is sorely needed by Scotland Yard, they would likely have told him to stop consulting a long time ago. 

The Doctor- Doctor Who
The Doctor's arrogance stems from the fact that he is not human. The very name "Time Lord" suggests pompousness and arrogance. The Doctor assumes that he's better than everyone else simply because he has two hearts and can regenerate. He thinks he the smartest person in the room, even though that's not always the case. In his defense, though, he does think everyone is important, he just thinks he's most qualified to be in charge and everyone should do as he says. 

Sheldon Cooper- The Big Bang Theory
Though he may be a great scientist, I would not want Sheldon as my roommate. His lengthy "roommate agreement" contracts are unfair and a violation of normal rights and rules. He constantly belittles people, insisting that because he is better (which he isn't always), other people are worthless. All of this because, like Sherlock, he has no social skills whatsoever. However smart he may be, Sheldon is an arrogant jerk. 

So, we've got a few examples of arrogant protagonists. Now what? Well, the time has come for more questions. 

Why are so many protagonists arrogant?
I think the main reason is that most protagonists are incredibly smart and talented, which naturally leads to an inflated ego (i.e., arrogance). This doesn't happen to all talented characters, and not every protagonist is talented, but it's still true that talent and arrogance, which often go hand in hand, are important parts of many main characters. 

Are arrogant characters total jerks?
No, most of them have good qualities inside. Arthur has a fierce loyalty to Camelot and will do anything to defend it and its subjects, even down to the lowly servant. Sherlock has a great deal of emotions, he just never shows them. He uses his intelligence to help the police. The Doctor saves the universe. And Sheldon... well, he's a great scientist. 

So should we forgive characters for their arrogance?
No. They're still annoying and rude, and there's no reason to dismiss that. All I'm saying is that you don't have to hate them. You can still be annoyed by them and berate them, though. 

Is there any hope for these characters to be less arrogant?
Yes, thankfully. In many cases where there is a selfish, arrogant character, there is another, kinder character who helps the arrongant character to see reason and change his/her ways. Arthur has Merlin. Sherlock has John. The Doctor has his companions (currently, Clara). And Sheldon has... Leonard? I don't know, maybe he doesn't fit this pattern as well as the others. 

And that's about all I can think of on the subject. Let me know if you think I missed anyone or anything. Thanks for reading!

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