
Saturday, January 24, 2015

You Are Not Alone: The Search For The Other Time Lords (Doctor Who fanfiction) - Chapter 3

Chapters: 1 2 3

"Like I said," Jenny informed the Doctor, "I've no idea where we'll turn up."
"But you do know that there'll be a Time Lord," he pointed out.

After a slightly less turbulent flight, they reached their destination. Jenny stuck her head out the door, then turned back to look at the Doctor, surprised.
"Well I could be wrong... but I think we're in the wizarding world!"
"The wizarding world?" the Doctor asked incredulously.
"Yeah, like from Harry Potter."
"I know what the wizarding world is," he said condescendingly.
"If I'm not mistaken, this is Diagon Alley," Jenny remarked as they stepped out of the TARDIS. The Doctor nodded.

Just then, a family of four walked by. The mother had bushy brown hair and was carrying a large stack of books. Jenny turned to the Doctor. "She's the one."
"Are you sure?" the Doctor asked somewhat nervously. Jenny nodded. They walked up to the mother. "You first," the Doctor hissed almost inaudibly.

"Hi, I'm Jenny and this is the Doctor... I mean Doctor Smith. He's my professor, and at his direction, I'm interviewing muggle-borns about the transition to the wizarding world. Are you a muggle-born, and would you be interested?" The Doctor tried to hide his look of impressed shock at Jenny's story.
The mother, too, seemed a little taken aback. "You know, you're the first person to ask me that. Are you going to write an article? I'm really glad this topic is being covered. Are you going to cover discrimination against muggle-borns? I think that's a really important issue. And what about..."
Her husband rolled his eyes. "You'll talk their ears off," he scolded her.
"Sorry, it's just a topic I'm really passionate about."
"No need to apologize," Jenny replied pleasantly. "So I take it that means you'd be interested?" The mother nodded vigorously. "Ron, can you help the kids get their school supplies? I'll join you again soon." Ron, her husband, nodded. "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself! Ron's a bad influence on me," she said, laughing. "I'm Hermione Granger." All of a sudden, Jenny realized she hadn't considered something. Thankfully, the Doctor had the same idea.

"Do you know any good places to conduct an interview? We don't know the area-"
"The university's in Scotland," Jenny explained.
"- right, and we were wondering if you had any good ideas? We also figured the people we interviewed would be more comfortable in a location of their own choosing."
Hermione nodded. "I know just the place."

They sat in a small room, discussing the contrast between muggle life and wizard life. After a while, the interview seemed to be almost over.
"Do you have any questions for us?" Jenny asked.
"Just one: why did you pick me? I mean, you weren't even sure I was a muggle-born."
Jenny looked at the Doctor, who looked right back at her. Jenny shook her head slightly and turned back to Hermione. "Well, you see, we have reason to believe you aren't just a muggle-born witch."
"Oh?" Hermione asked, feigning innocence.
"Have you ever time traveled?" Jenny asked.
"Well, I did use a time turner to take more classes at Hogwarts."
"We're looking for Time Lords," Jenny stated. Hermione stared at them in shock. "You do know what a Time Lord is?"
"Yes, but I thought they were just a legend. You're telling me they actually exist?" Jenny nodded. "And you think I'm one of them?" Jenny nodded again. "But... I can't be!" The Doctor pulled out his sonic and scanned Hermione.
"According to this, you are."
Hermione gasped in shock. "So what do you want with these Time Lords, then?"
"I just want to show him he's not alone," Jenny said.
"You're the Doctor!" Hermione exclaimed.
The Doctor simply nodded. "It seems like you're to busy to travel with me, but it's nice to have met you."
"Thank you for your time," Jenny said. "We really appreciate it."
"Excuse me, may I ask a question?"
"You just did," the Doctor pointed out.
"Doctor, be nice." Jenny turned to Hermione. "Go ahead."
"If it's not too much trouble, could you actually write that article?"
"No problem," Jenny answered, smiling.
"You can hand it to me when you're done; I know a few papers that might publish it."
"Great! We'll be back in a few minutes." Hermione gave them a quizzical look. "Time travel, remember?"

True to their word, Jenny and the Doctor were back 3 minutes later. Jenny handed the article over.
"Thank you," Hermione said.
"No, thank you."
"Got another crush?" the Doctor asked Jenny as they set their next destination.
"No." Jenny rolled her eyes. "I do think she's a lovely person, though. I wish we had a way to keep in touch."
"Oh, so you want her number?" the Doctor asked. "Or would you rather communicate via psychic paper?"
"That was one guy," Jenny said. She felt the psychic paper vibrate. She read the new message.

In another boring council meeting. Miss you already. -Merlin
Jenny laughed.
Do they know you're talking to me? -Jenny
Sh. What they don't know won't hurt them. -Merlin
You are such a troublemaker! -Jenny
I'd rather be that than boring. -Merlin
Good point. -Jenny
Haha! I win! -Merlin
Whatever. I gotta go. -Jenny

"You done texting that boy?" the Doctor asked.
"Yes, Dad," Jenny sighed.
"Good. We've got places to be."
"You bet we do."

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