
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Sonic Screwdriver!

Continuing the theme from the last post of the Doctor's tools, I give you the most awesome tool ever: the sonic screwdriver. For those of you non-Whovians (and given the way I've been posting, I'm surprised you're still here), the sonic screwdriver is the Doctor's totally awesome, solve any problem, fix any plot hole, screwdriver. He uses it for way too many things to count. (Although of course, it has been counted: ) And the gist of it is: this thing rocks. It is so cool everyone wants one.

The good news: you can get one! There are lots of stores (Thinkgeek, Amazon, and Hot Topic, to name a few) that sell them.
The bad news: they don't do all the cool stuff they do for the Doctor. Depending on which one you buy, they might light up, make noise, write in invisible ink, or be a real screwdriver. All great things, but not quite as cool as reversing the polarity, going through a sound system to kill evil robot Santas (cause you know, we do that all the time), or saving someone's consciousness to a huge computer. 

So the question is, if you had a sonic that actually worked, what would you do with it? This was a fun question for me to ponder. Sadly, we know that it doesn't do turkey or wood. That being said, here is my list:
1. Skip commercials (even when watching stuff live)
2. Function as a universal remote (this actually exists; you can buy it at some stores for way more money than I have)
3. Speed up the microwave (that's technical, right?)
4. Lock or unlock doors (ones that aren't wood, anyway)
5. Lock or unlock a car (no, I don't own one, but I can hope)
6. Create super awesome wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey music (maybe if you hit the button in just the right way...)
7. Hack into the school's PA system to say something really funny (on April Fool's Day, of course)
8. Charge my phone
9. Fix any piece of broken technology
10. Make a cup of tea (I don't know quite how that would work, but I so want to do it)

So that's all I've got at the moment. What about you? What would you do if you had a sonic screwdriver?

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