
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Fandom School (5th period): Cancellation

Everybody dreads hiatus. It's hard enough to wait a week; waiting months (or even years!) is almost impossible. But that's not the worst that can happen to a fandom.

You know how it goes. You get really into a show, watching every episode, until suddenly there are no more. And there will be no more. The show has been cancelled. It's devastating.

So why does it happen? Here are a few possible causes:

  • The storyline is finished
  • The show's ratings aren't high enough
  • Something happened to one of the actors/creators of the show
  • It's not making enough money (i.e., it costs more to produce the show than is being earned by people viewing the show)
  • It's being removed to make room for another show
There are lots more, of course, but those are the main ones.

What do you do when your favorite show gets cancelled?
  • Get together with other fans and petition for it to be renewed
  • Write lots of fanfiction (and create other fanworks) to tie up the loose ends
  • Try to find a new fandom to join
  • Speculate with other fans about what happens (would have happened?) post-canon
  • Rewatch every single episode, looking for all the things you missed the first time
  • Hope that a spin-off will be created

This, by the way, is why I write so many Merlin fanfics. The show was cancelled after 5 seasons (well, cancelled isn't really the right word because they were always planning to have it last for only 5 seasons), and I'm still upset about it. The most important thing to remember about cancellation is that even though the show may be done, the fandom still lives. And who knows, maybe the cancelled show will come back in one way or another. You never know.

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