- Spend less time on tumblr and more time on this blog. Specifically, I want to spend twice as much time on my blog as I do on tumblr. I found a google chrome extension that tracks how much time I spend on websites (leaving a tab open while you're on another website doesn't count), so I can hold myself accountable.
- When I am on tumblr, spend less time liking/reblogging and more time creating original content.
- Spend 30 minutes each day writing my story. Yes, I recently started writing an original story (i.e., not fanfiction). I'm not giving details right now because 1) I don't want my idea to get stolen and 2) I'm not very far in, so details may change significantly. (If you really want details, you can message me in a private post on Google+.)
- Practice my French Horn more. In each practice session, I'll spend 10 minutes on scales, 30 minutes on concert music, 5 minutes on sight reading, 5 minutes on technical stuff, and 10 minutes on music for fun. (I'll also spend time on SmartMusic, if I have any to do, which will vary depending on the difficulty of the music.) I will have at least 3 practice sessions a week.
- Do what I can to decrease prejudice (racism, sexism, etc.) in myself and others. This may include keeping up to date with news about social issues, writing about social issues (on tumblr, twitter, etc.), engaging in discussions with others, and donating time or money to organizations that will decrease prejudice.
- Be more cheerful. This one is going to be really hard, but I'll try.
- Save up money to go see Les Misérables live (this may take more than a year). I'll need to save up a lot because tickets are expensive and it will also cost money to get to a place that shows Les Misérables.
- In order to achieve the previous goal, I resolve to get a job (my first job. How exciting!).
- Walk 2 miles a day. My sister resolved to walk 4 miles a day, so I just have to walk with her half the way.
- Write more letters. Yes, letters. On pencil and paper. They're much more personal and also more exciting for the person receiving them.
- Write more poetry. Especially for other people.
- Compliment people more.
So, that's what I've got for now. What are your resolutions?
UPDATE: It is now June. Let's see how I've done.
UPDATE: It is now June. Let's see how I've done.
- Haha no. I still spend too much time on tumblr.
- Yeah also no.
- No, but I have made progress on my story. I write as inspiration strikes.
- Haha that definitely didn't happen.
- I do that every day.
- Maybe a little, but probably no.
- GOAL ACHIEVED! I have more than enough money.
- GOAL ACHIEVED! I work at a pizza place.
- Yeah no I'm still a couch potato.
- Eh not really.
- Didn't happen.
- Also didn't happen.
Conclusion: I'm pretty bad at fulfilling New Year's resolutions.
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